The How’s and Why’s of Journaling Everyday – Starting a Journal Today

Why start journaling? This can be a hard one to answer, especially when you think about the fact that there are a lot of different reasons people start this way. Writing creative journals paves way to tons of benefits you never would have expected.
However, I’m going to give you some ideas on some of the most popular reasons: writing helps you express yourself, gives you something to look back on your life with, keeps you motivated, and even gives you a new creative outlet! Here are a few ways you can start today and get started with this wonderful habit.
Whether you’re a high school student starting out or someone who’s been living a busy life for years and is looking for something new, start journaling. Journaling is a great way to express yourself, give you something to look back on in order to feel inspired, keep you motivated, or just to have something to fall back on if you mess up.
For example, if you make a mistake, you can easily jot down what you were doing and what you were thinking when it happened. This could then become a great motivational tool or it can help you overcome a setback.
Why start with journaling as opposed to, say, writing a blog? For one thing, you’ll never read it aloud. Yes, we all have to take breaks, and we all need to relax sometimes, but when you read your thoughts aloud, you tend to sound like a therapist.
Plus, you’ll sound stupid when you read aloud. If you’re nervous, it’s tough to stay confident when your brain is screaming “what were you thinking?” Your brain is wired a certain way and when you try to force it to do otherwise, it’ll shut down.
Writing helps you realize what’s important and what isn’t. If you don’t like certain things about your job, you might write them down on a napkin or post them on the refrigerator for other people to see. Then, if you’re happy at your job and it’s helping you to meet your goals, you can share that information with others.
This type of self-awareness is powerful and writing it down makes it easier to access later. What will you be writing about most often? If you’re working on a paper, the answers you’ll jot down during the day should be relevant to what’s going on in your life.
It might include how you’re feeling about your work and how you feel about paying bills. However, if you’re just starting to notice patterns and how they relate to your life, then you’ll need to write about those things as well. Why do you need a journal? Many people feel that this is a waste of time.
They’ll argue that you should just write down everything that happens to them. To that end, they feel that you’ll just be repeating yourself or losing your sense of perspective. If you keep a journal and follow some of these steps, however, you’ll find that journaling helps you to sort through what’s going on in your life and to make sense of it.
As you read your entries, you’ll also begin to see connections to things happening in other parts of your life. You can also share your thoughts with others by writing them down. If you’re feeling frustrated or angry about something, you can write about it in your journal.
You might also want to share how you’re feeling about a particular situation. In this way, not only are you sharing your thoughts but also sharing what’s happening in your world. Why start journaling?
You’ll find that over time, as your thoughts and feelings flow into your diary, you’ll begin to gain clarity about your own life. You’ll start to understand why things are happening the way they are and you’ll be able to take the necessary steps to change things for the better.
Once you have a journal, you’ll be able to look back and laugh at all those silly or sad mistakes you’ve made in the past.