Finding a Trustworthy Funeral Service – Smart Tips for Choosing the Right One

Finding a funeral home in your area shouldn’t be all that difficult. You can find local directories like the one referenced below, which will provide you with contact information for various funeral homes throughout your local area.
If you are having difficulty finding a funeral home in your area, there are a few things you should consider. First of all, are you able to accommodate the various preferences of the person who is responsible for your loved one’s funeral?
For instance, if you have a close friend or relative who has requested that you not attend the service, but rather wait for them to reach out to you, what would be your protocol when it comes to finding a memorial funeral home?
You might have to get a bit creative, but it may be worth the effort. For example, you may want to contact the funeral home ahead of time and find out their policy on holding funerals and the like. Some funeral homes do not allow non-relatives to attend a memorial service. Others do not permit non-mourners at all.
Another thing to consider is that funeral homes aren’t necessarily located in the state you reside in. There are many small funeral homes in Michigan that are available to host funerals. In fact, I believe most people consider hospice in Michigan to be the same thing as a funeral home. However, both are often run by the same company. It is also highly recommended that you use a funeral checklist that’s comprehensive.
In addition to a funeral home or facility, there are also “natural burial” facilities. The state does not officially recognize natural burials, so I recommend staying away from these. Natural burials entail the remains being placed in a container, sealed, and transported to the final resting place in the same manner as a casket would be.
After the casket is removed, the body is taken to the natural burial site. If you can afford it, I highly recommend this option. If you are financially able, I would suggest you look into getting assistance with student services in which you could pay for your own funeral service.
Student services in my state are funded in part by the state, and work-study programs for low-income families are available through many colleges. In addition to work-study, there are also many financial aid options available to families who need financial aid.
Finally, I would suggest you consider looking into any local or online resources about cremation service providers. Oftentimes, our local funeral home did not survive the recession, and the best way to find out if they still exist is to do a simple search on Google.
In particular, look for any “funeral homes” in your immediate area. Once you’ve identified a few of them, contact each to find out what they charge for a basic funeral. If you are paying for burial, most will charge $500 or more.
Once you’ve spoken to the funeral home regarding prices, ask them if they also offer a memorial service. Many do, especially if the place is such a popular destination for people. If you’d rather skip the traditional service, consider memorials in lieu of a funeral. This is where you’ll pay a fee in lieu of flowers or an obituary.
The decision on where to hold your loved one’s burial should be made with the direction of a funeral director. Your loved one’s funeral home can help you through this difficult time. For example, if your deceased was born in Ohio, but wanted to have their grave in a more fitting location, the funeral director can assist you with this as well.
Additionally, the funeral home can provide you with a plot in a more fitting building, as Ohio is a state that limits how much space can be used for a burial. With a funeral director on your side, the options are almost endless. Be sure to ask questions and make decisions that are in your best interest.